Member of M.P. COVID-19 Technical Advisory Committee Appointed by M.P. Government
Dr. P. N. Agrawal is an Enterprising, Enthusiastic & Workaholic Respiratory & Critical Care Expert, practicing since last 30 years. Having a brilliant academic background (Topper & Gold medalist in MBBS & MD COURSES ), he was selected for 3 years Super speciality DM course in Pulmonary & Critical care medicine at PGI chandigarh in 1996. Dr. P. N. Agrawal was first D.M in this specialization in state M.P. & C.G. Dr. P. N. Agrawal is only such trained parson in whole of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh States. He has changed the concept of Pulmonary Medicine in the state.
He is also keen Sports Person and Preaches & Practices the Mantra of Healthy Lifestyle, Weight control and Fitness.
He keeps on delivering lectures at different forums and in different cities for educating doctors and masses.
He is a guest faculty for various live programmes on Doordarshan and other television channels. He has single handly performed more then 10000 Fiber-Optic Video Bronchoscopies in last 22 years. He also has removed more than 350 Airways Foreign Bodies, mostly in Children using Rigid Bronchoscope.
Dr. (Mrs) Neelima agrawal is a senior obstetrician and Gynaecologist having experience of more than 28 years of clinical practice. Gifted with an expert surgeon's hand, she is regularly dealing with Normal and High Risk Pregnancies and Ruptured Ectopics. She is doing Cesarian Sections and Hysterectomies routinely. Dr. Neelima is doing Laparoscopic Gynaec Surgeries also.
In these 28 years she has had a vast experience of handling all kinds of indoor and outdoor patients. She has earned Respect and appreciation of the common citizens and the ELITE. Under her competant and dynamic leadership Agrawal Hospital has been awarded NABH accreditation in short duration.